I read somewhere “Peace begins with a smile”. It is so true. A lot of feuds have been broken with a simple smile. It has been researched and proven that smiling has health benefits.
Each time we smile our brain feels really happy. When a smile flashes across our face; dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released into our bloodstream, making not only our body relax but also lower our heart rate and blood pressure.
Excerpt from NeuroNation
Another reason to smile more is coz it is infectious. You cannot help but smile back when you are met with a smile. Apart from making us feel attractive, it brings general cheer all around!
Not only smiling makes us more attractive it also makes us look more youthful. The muscles we use to smile also lift the face, making a person appear younger.
It brings positivity all around and lifts everyone’s mood and helps in having better relationships. So whenever you feel low, smile, even if it is fake. The brain does not know any different and you will feel your mood lifting. Smile to be happy!