My first day of blogging had to be an opinion piece coz I am very opinionated. And I love expressing them too! So I decided to start my blogging journey with one on marriage.
Some say it is a dying institution, some say it is boring and some say it is outdated but having been married for over 20 years, my opinion is that it is an amazing relationship as long as you are married to the right person. I am taking a gender neutral approach here as marriage is between two individuals and it takes both of them to make it successful.
Marriage is a partnership and requires all the usual elements in a partnership to make it a success. It is an equal relationship between two individuals who are together to achieve a fulfilling life. They both work as a team to contribute to the relationship and chart their common goals. I don’t believe it is a give and take relationship as commonly spoken about but a solid partnership between two equal stakeholders.
Hence, I believe compatibility is more important than love. Mutual respect, empathy and kindness for each other are cornerstone for a successful marriage. For me, all of these together constitute love.
I am married to a man who embodies all of the above. Like every relationship, we have our ups and downs but we are committed to making the partnership work. So we resolve everything that is thrown our way to continue together on our journey of life!