It has been 54 days since I started my experiment and it has been a great experience. I have learnt new things about my dressing likes and dislikes and also pushed my will power. The dressing and the picture is the easy part. The blogging in the evening is where will power is tested. Usually I am tired at the end of the day but I am proud that I have been blogging consistently. I hope my writing skills have improved since I started!
Today’s topic is #perfect. Now it is a very intriguing word. I call it that coz I believe #perfect is all around perception. What I see as #perfect might not like seem that to you. One of the reason why my perfectionist husband has arguments with me pretty much every day. So why run after someone else’s #perfect… your own and believe in it. Now that is what I would call #perfect!
It was a cold, rainy morning today. So after picking a dress, I kept is back coz I did not want to feel cold and destroy it drenching. I instead chose to wear a plain black skirt with an electric blue top. Here is how I looked today!