Thank god, Friday is here! This week carried on like it was never gonna when it hit 5’o clock hit the clock, I was ready to get out.
I wore on this cold day a deep blue tunic with black tights. It is my favourite comfortable wear. See for yourself.
On my way back from work, I was reading Femina. It is an Indian magazine that I used to read back in India and thanks to digital magazines, I am still reading it. So this edition was a vintage edition and apart from a lot of other things, they did talk about dishy vintage men. They don’t make them anymore or I would say rarely (sorry, my husband is great). So what is your sort? Are you a Clark Gable or Paul Newman girl? I had a massive crush on Akshay Kumar (remember I grew up on Bollywood) and dreamed about him. He is still dishy. So for all your ogling eyes!