A good friend made me go down memory lane today – back to the time when life was simple. I was my daddy’s little gal with no worry in the entire world. There was no pressure of responsibilities, of waking up early mornings, of rushing to work or mortgages and rents:-) The biggest worry that time was if I could afford the latest dress that came in the market or would that guy that I have a crush on will like me back…….
I look back and think “what if” or “only if” but isn’t that what life is about? It is about taking decisions in that moment of time. That is the truth for that time.
I remember that time and cherish my memories. They are precious as I know that time will not come back. The carefree spirit remains but the shackles of responsibility are still there and will remain for a period of time.
But from time to time, I want to be go back and be daddy’s little gal again…….
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