We, Harry Potter fans, had been waiting for the last part of the movie for ages now. So 13th July was an important date in our calendar. My friend Nell and DT gave me a very tempting offer – they were watching the prt 1 and part 2 in a special by even cinema… Part 2 being the midnight show….oh I must say the offer was very lucrative! Watching with them and also the first screened show…wow!!! I discussed it with my equally obsessed husband.
As u know by now that because of Yash, movie watching for us is a treat. We usually watch it separately. But this time it was different….My parents were here! So Av and I decided to take this opportunity to watch one together. After excusing myself to nell and giving strict instructions of not posting anything on Facebook, we booked ours at hurstville, for evening show on 13th.
And what a movie. It did not disappoint me. I am big fan of the books and any deviation from the original story does piss me off but the change in the last part where nagini is killed at last did not bother me at the least! It was magnificent, everything from Ron and hermione kissing to Harry and voldermort’s battle…each sequence was awesome. The only dampener was that the cinema hall was a bit small but knowing that I will be watching this movie a couple of times, that does bot matter.
I am now sad that it has all ended. There is no more Harry potter to look fwd to…no more anticipation and euphoria but I am sure there will be another series that will fuel our imagination and be as popular as this one. I sincerely hope not only for me but for my son…that he has his own Harry potter to look fwd to!
iPad post….