As I mentioned in one of my last posts, I am reading “Family Matters” by Rohinton Mistry. I had read good reviews about the book when I bought I but then after the first few pages, I did not feel like reading I and parked it. As I was telling my friend Ornella, you have to be in the mood to read a book and really get into it.
This time when I have picked it up, I really got immersed in it. It was addictive….partially because it is set in India and I have been missing my family.
The book is about this retired old man Nariman Vakeel who has Parkinson’s disease and lives with his step children Jal and Coomy. When he has a fall and breaks his ankle, he is transferred to his youngest daughter Roxana’s house. The whole story then revolves around his move and the affect it has on his children’s relationship with him and each other especially Roxana’s family, his husband Yezad and their sons Jehangir and Murad.
I am still reading the book but it has made me think about a lot of things and putting a lot others in perspective. I am thinking of checking out the authors other books ” A Fine Balance” and “Such A Long Journey”.
iPad post….