W is for Wisdom – wisdom of stories passed through generations, wisdom of parents’ experience and wisdom of what I have learnt as I have grown older.
In Hinduism, wisdom is defined as a state of mind and soul where a person achieves liberation. Nirvana, as it is called, is reaching a place of ultimate wisdom. That is why such people are revered and called Gurus – the ones who impart wisdom.
In my world, I see wisdom as becoming discerning and differentiating between barriers to my chosen life path of peace and happiness. As I identify them and am able to take action to remove them, I consider myself becoming wiser.
Just like life, the path to attaining wisdom is an ongoing journey. It starts with knowing yourself and as you traverse through life, you may pick pieces that help you make it better for you and others. That is when you become truly wise.
Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
Albert Einstein
Thankyou for sharing!