And just like that we have completed over half of the year. This past month was not the best for me – marred with health issues mostly caused by me and me alone.
I recently read somewhere that organisations should look after the well being of their people first and work should follow that. I am in complete agreement with this and have imbibed the same in my work philosophy and leadership style. People before profits is the best way of managing an organisation and actually yields much better, both in terms of money and satisfaction.
But from time to time, I forget my own philosophy. When there are too many things on and work is stressful, I try and take everything on my shoulders. This means that I start dropping things that matter and go on slippery slope. I am not at my optimal best and start stressing even more, thus creating a never ending vicious cycle.
This is what happened in July – I stopped going for my walks, taking breaks during work and started working insane hours. Because of that, I did not sleep well leading to tiredness, grumpiness and slow deterioration of my mental health and well being.
And this was all me, my work is extremely supportive and always puts people and well-being first. But this was me just having too high expectations of myself and thinking that the world’s issues were all on my shoulders.
But I am also proud of myself that I know when I am going down the wrong path. I do, what I call, self intervention. I take some time introspecting and find the root cause of the problem and work on eradicating it. The trigger this time was a shoulder injury caused due to my craziness. That prompted me to take action straight away.
I am back to my balance – walks, taking it easy, meditating – basically taking control of the things that matter. The last few days have been better for me and the family coz at the end of the day, they bear the brunt of it all.
As I am entering my birthday month, it is time to reaffirm that I have to live the best version of myself everyday. We are on this earth for a finite time and in the words of Mark Mason, I have to choose what is important to me. Rest does not matter.
I will be blogging every day for my birthday month. I love to look back and read what I have written. So if you are reading this, look out!