This is hard but one of the challenges I have set for myself is to be vulnerable and what better day to do it but my birthday blog!
I always have excuse about time, or rather the lack of it. I know, like a lot of working woman, I am genuinely short of time juggling everything between home and work. But I know when to make time too for things that are important to me. So most time I use it as an excuse for things that are not on my priority.
Another excuse I have is that I will never break this habit. The real reason is that I don’t have enough motivation to do that thing. I can do anything or everything I set my mind to but when I don’t want to do something, I use this excuse.
The last excuse that I make and I am working on it, is saying I don’t like it. Most times it is coz I am grooving in my comfort zone and don’t want to get out of there. So not liking is a good excuse to get out of it. But I am working on this one and stretching my boundaries to learn something new.
Excuses inhibit us from achieving our dreams. So while I will not get all preachy and say I will never have one but I will try and reduce them!