I am a someone who likes goals – something to strive for as that helps me focus. This is the reason I set challenges for myself. So this topic is apt for me as I have been thinking about it for a while.
- The first habit I want to develop is having a morning routine. I am a morning person and have been thinking of creating a ritual for myself to kick start the day and set a tone for the rest of the day. I have done it some times but still not converted to a habit yet.
- I want to start practicing daily meditation. I hope to make it part of my daily routine. Meditation helps gain clarity and focus in life and I want to make it a habit to have a better life.
- Lastly I want to restrict my social media. I am hoping to cut down before bed and in the morning ti reduce my total consumption. It is a habit that will be hard to form and then adhere to.
We are what we do repeatedly. As Aristotle said “Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” I am hoping to get some excellence in my life.