One thing you must have noted from my blog is my love for train journeys. It is because they are woven throughout my childhood. Being the only mode of transport for middle class families (flights were only for uber rich), most of our travels were on the quintessential Indian railways in second class.
And they were noting like what Indian railways is today! A typical rail journey comprised of carrying food, water and luggage to make yourself comfortable for the 1-2 days that you were going to spend in the train. Food was shared, friendships made, games played and before you know it, the 24-36 hours disappeared. I remember so many trips playing antakshri(a Bollywood song game) on the train, sometime the entire coach participating. The trains were safe and meant for family travels and I have so many memories associated with it. My comfort and love for train travel started from there.
Hence my next item on my bucket list….travel on the iconic Australian train. With its vastness and abundance of natural beauty, the train journey in Oz, either from east to west or to north would be breathtaking, I can imagine. I have read about it and heard stories about it and one day intend to make the journey. They say most people make this journey after they are 50. May be I will do it just before I turn that magic number! Till then…….