This year marked the last year of the “teens” in our living memory. For me personally it was year of growth and crystallising how I see my life going forward. It was the year I saw mortality as a very clear destination which brought home the fact that time is transient…living every moment is the only way!
Every year I set some goals for myself. This gives me a sort of blue print for the year and milestones to achieve. Last year I had only one goal – live, love and laugh. I did very well on the first two but laugh more is something I have to still achieve. I feel I don’t do that enough!
The first year of the new decade and here a few of my goals:
- Complete a few of my bucket list items.
a. Climbing Harbour Bridge
b. Visiting Uluru
c. Lose 20 kegs – I will try this one
d. Have a family portrait done – india trip at the end of the year might help achieve
e. Write gratitude letters – have bought a gratitude journal
f. 30 days of random acts of kindness
g. Have a girlie trip with my girlfriends – March 8th, women’s T20 World Cup
h. Own a business – coming close to this
i. Write my blog for a year straight – have to try and do this
j. No internet or mobile for a day a month – tech free day is my goal this year - Laugh more – I will spread even more joy and be happy. Happiness is a state of mind and I will strive to be in a positive state.
- Spend a day a month with my son doing silly things. I hope that will help us laugh more!
- Have a date night a month – my husband is my strength and committing to this quality time will help me stay positive.
- Spend time with my parents – I have finite time with them on this earth and wanna make the most of it.
- Commit to meet my siblings and my cousins at least yearly. We are the next generation and need to ensure that the connectivity and bond remains as strong as ever.
- Create more memories coz that is all that we have! I have wonderful friends around me and spending time together sparks joy!
Phew! If I am able to achieve even half of the above, I will be cheering! Here’s to 2020, bring it on!