Ah the past few days have been blissful to say the least! I have been better at my detox vow. I say better because there have been days I have slipped, most of the time to search something or the other but slip it is! They have been blissful due to the holidays, Yash and I are on 2 weeks of holidays and we as a family love it!
Holidays mean late nights and sleep ins. They mean playing uninterrupted with no threat of homework hanging for Yash and they mean cooking feasts, gardening and watching TV for me. These holidays we are also visiting the beautiful Tasmania. I am fascinated by what I have read so far and am looking fwd to visiting the island.
What have we done so far? I have managed to clean the laundry, long overdue I must say. It is a big room, so time for an overhaul of the same. I have cooked a few feasts for the family, more to come I am sure! We attended Sammy’s birthday. It was beautiful, as always. Pooja, my friend, is very talented. I am sad to see her go, even if it is for a finite time. I will miss her heaps. She, Reshmi and I make an unlikely group but we grew close over kids and common heritage. I learnt a lot from Pooja, how to be non-judgemental and focus on what is important for you and your family. She helped me grow patience, not the strongest of my virtue. I will miss you Pooja, hope to see you soon!