I have started pondering more and more about the fragility of human life and it’s purpose on this earth. What is it? What do we need to achieve in the time we are here? I don’t believe in after life or anything of the sort. I am a firm believer of the song “heaven and…
Clean eating – Day 4
Everyone who knows me know that I am a social junkie. I love all sorts of social media and use it to keep abreast of family, friend and happenings around the world. Being my birth country, I have always been interested in what is happening in india. In the midst of all the bull shit,…
Clean eating – Day 3
There are times in life when you come at crossroads and you have to decide what to do, which road to take. I have come across that situation a few time in my life and I can only say it has been a real test of my will power and strength. The roads that I…
Clean eating – Day 2
Have you ever wondered what “ambition” means? As per the dictionary the word means “A strong desire to achieve something“. I have highlighted something because it is so relative – by person, even by time. My ambitions have changed over time. When I was young my only ambition was to grow up! Then it changed…
New challenge – clean eating
So I have been thinking of a new challenge. My last few have failed and I am determined this time to keep my next one. I am getting older and not any healthier and I started reading about clean eating. Normally I don’t indulge in any health or diet fads as I believe all these…
100 days of Tech Detox – Day 12
My past few days have been tumultuous. Have you ever been at the crossroads in your life and not sure where to go? That is the stage of life I am at! And it is tortuous…..I am a decision maker and pride myself in taking quick ones but at the moment, it is hard! I…
Relaunch of 100 days of detox
Yeah, yeah, I know, I succumbed! I started with a lot of enthusiasm and good intentions but then I lost. The past few months have been tough to say the least. And I, like host of others before me, went back to what is comfortable and known. And technology is comfort for me! I hide…
100 days of detox – Day 11
Ah the past few days have been blissful to say the least! I have been better at my detox vow. I say better because there have been days I have slipped, most of the time to search something or the other but slip it is! They have been blissful due to the holidays, Yash and…
100 days of detox – Day 10
I am guilty, that is why I haven’t written! Not of not keeping my promise around practising detox, but having another addiction….I know, practising a detox and getting addicted to something else is not ideal. But I have succumbed to the pleasure of watching Downton Abbey – the English series that had taken the world…
100 days of Tech Detox – Day 9
I have started back my detox after a few days and I must say, I am finding it tougher this time around! May be because I am coming back from a break or may be because I am not in the right frame of mind. I have been stressed and burnt out lately and it…