One word sums up today – tiring! So there is nothing much to write today. Nothing exciting happened since I woke up thus morning. I threw together what I found in a hurry namely a blue shirt and black pants to complete my look. Here it is!
Day 61 – 16th October 2013
And I feel bad. I have missed a day of blogging. There is a valid reason but still….. I was at a training session and get a text from my darling husband that he had thrown his back out. This meant that our well running household machinery had one engine down. So you can imagine…
Day 60 – 15th October 2013
It was a rushed morning today. I can explain…… Yesterday was the information night for Yash’s school. I cannot believe that my baby is a little man embarking on a new journey. How the years have flown! The information night was great and gave us the confidence that we have chosen the right school for…
Day 59 – 14th October 2013
Training day…today was the day to round up my leadership skills and attend the AGSM course. The course is turning out to be quite interesting. I am never sure what to wear to these courses. I have been to some where I was the only one in suit. So to keep matters simple and comfortable,…
Day 58 – 11th October 2013
Catch ups, meetings, catch ups, issues…..that was my day. Last day of the week was hectic, thanks to it being my first day at work. I was glad it was Friday! I am proud of my team for being so in tune and supportive of each other. We have come such a far way! You…
Day 57 – 10th October 2013
There are some days that go in a haze…today was such a day. I had to stay back and miss my original flight to Sydney due to an unexpected Client meeting. The meeting went well meaning it finished really quickly. This then meant that my original flight was 2 hrs away but due to restrictions…
Day 56 – 9th October 2013
After a hiatus from my holiday, I am back to blogging. I will blog separately about my holiday which was a mix of a lot of emotions. Right now, it is back to the grind and what a welcome back! I started my day with issues and it practically pushed me into action thrashing my…
Day 55 – 17th September 2013
My last day at work before my long awaited holiday. Today’s topic is #quest and I can say right now my only #quest is to catch that plane and land at my sister’s house without the in-between. But on a serious note, my #quest is always for the unknown. What we know and can decipher…
Day 54 – 16th September 2013
It has been 54 days since I started my experiment and it has been a great experience. I have learnt new things about my dressing likes and dislikes and also pushed my will power. The dressing and the picture is the easy part. The blogging in the evening is where will power is tested. Usually…
Today’s topic gobsmacked me! What to write on something that I say everyday mostly to my son. And people say to me 🙂 I tried looking on the web and it came with pictures of all kind….it seems that it means different things for different people. So today is going to be just this….my son…