Change is the only constant. If you don’t change, you don’t grow. That is one thing I am proud of – I change and adapt and grow as I learn. And everyday life is the biggest teacher! One of the biggest thing I have learnt is about people. I am by nature a trusting person…
Day 12 – Three excuses I often make!
This is hard but one of the challenges I have set for myself is to be vulnerable and what better day to do it but my birthday blog! I always have excuse about time, or rather the lack of it. I know, like a lot of working woman, I am genuinely short of time juggling…
Day 11 – What can I do to simplify my life?
Ahhh the quintessential question. If I were to start again, I would love on a tiny home on an acreage surrounded by moss, trees and nature. I now appreciate how people used to leave home and become a sadhu when they get older. But as it is hard to become a sadhu; the world is…
Day 10 – What do you feel strongly about?
I am a passionate individual and feel strongly about a lot of things. But if I have to pin one thing, it is the freedom of individuals. I am a big supporter of a free world and power of people. I have had arguments with friends and acquaintances about what is freedom and restriction of…
Day 9 – If you had to add something to humanity, what would your contribution be?
This was a strange question. I have added to humanity by just being on this earth. But my contribution would be to be a human, not just in form but by practicing basic human values of equality, love, care, compassion and above all kindness. As I have mentioned before, it is our responsibility to leave…
Day 8 – What adventures do you want to have?
Life is an adventure if you live it right. I want to have many adventures in my life, some conventional and some non conventional. I want to travel to my chosen countries in my lifetime. I am not adventurous about visiting all the lands – some of the ones, where freedom for women is still…
Day 7 – What kind of life would make you jealous?
I am not jealous by nature about anything in life. So another life that would make me jealous is out of question. I love the life I live and it is a journey and all the little decisions that have been taken have brought me where I am today. I do have “what ifs” that…
Day 6 – What do you want to be remembered by?
I am very clear on this one – I want to be remembered as a kind person. All of us have this superpower and we should use it more and more. You can be kind and firm, kind and strong – kindness does not preclude any other quality. I want to be remembered as a…
Day 5 – What do you want to accomplish?
When I was younger, and someone would have asked me this question, my answer would have been a big house, a great job and lots of money. But life and wisdom teaches you a lot. Now I answer it differently. Living a good life constitutes some of the things that I mentioned but they are…
Day 4 – Where do you want to live?
This is a hard question – I am happy living where I am but then I don’t know what else is out there. What I do know is that I can’t live in a small, isolated city. As much as I love nature and greenery, I need the hustle bustle that comes with an urban…