I haven’t written in ages! I have to make more of an effort. Writing randomly like I do is therapeutic for me, much like meditation. I feel better and calmer. So I will try to be more regular!
What prompted me today was that I am on a mission to watch movies made from books. It was a random search as I was looking for something to read and then I got hooked onto the who,e movie bit. Being the visual person that I am, I love watching an author’s work being adapted to the big screen. I love my beloved characters as real people on screen and so many times when I go and watch a movie, it is more to check out whether who I imagined is close to the actor who i see on screen. Sometimes I have read the book after I have watched the movie and the actors speak to me in the book! It is a surreal feeling especially for someone like me who loves books and movies both!
So I thought I will write my take on the book and movie. That way I can be a bit more regular in writing and also continue to pursue my 2 passions – reading and watching movies. Where ever I can, I will try and read the book before the movie. Let’s see how many books and movies I can consume this way.
I will start with a Hindi one – not too many Hindi movies have been made on books. May be they should make more!
2 states – Chetan Bhagat
I am not a fan of Chetan Bhagat’s books. I have read a few but never liked his writing style. But when I knew Alia was starring in one of the movies adapted from his novel, I decided that I wanted to read the book before I watched the movie. Yeah, this book was okay but did not blow my socks or anything. But then I watched the movie and loved it! Arjun and Alia nailed it! I loved the characters and how they were brought to life with a taut script! There were a few diversions from the original story but I loved even that.
I went back and read the book again and I must say I liked it better this time. Probably coz I was reading the book with Arjun and Alia as the main characters. Since then, I have read the book abs watched the movie multiple times and each time I have discovered something new. Isn’t that the beauty of it? The interpretation of written word is so subjective and so imaginative! I love it and hope I can write about a few ways I have enjoyed it.