Today’s question – “Your favourite song you like to sing” As a singer, it is a hard question only coz I love humming and singing different songs based on my moods. I am a Bollywood buff so they are Bollywood songs that I sing. If I have to choose one favourite song to sing, it…
The different challenges I have done so far – some completed, some not so!
Day 10 – Start
Today’s question – “One thing you should start doing” One of my resolutions this year was to start saying No more. I have been doing that and it has certainly helped in managing my energy and priorities. I have to start doing meditation. This is something that I have been meaning to start for some…
Day 9 – Stop
Today’s question – “One thing you should stop doing” There are so many things that cross my mind for this question. But if I have to choose one thing it would be overthinking. I tend to overthink about situations. It has lot to do with my upbringing where we were pushed to perfection and the…
Day 8 – Fame
Today’s question “How important is fame for you?” Some people live their whole life chasing fame and if they get it, then worrying about losing it and if they don’t get it, then getting depressed about it. I have never chased fame and don’t care about it. In fact, as much as possible, I try…
Day 7 – Best Friends
Today’s question is “ Three things you and your best friend have in common.” I made friends in my new homeland in my adulthood which is always harder but better. When you make friends in adulthood, you are more conscious and choosy. I am very lucky that I have a close circle of friends who…
Day 6 – Friendship
Today’s question is “The most important qualities in a friend” I have always had friendships based on common values and alignment of energies. As we grow and change as individuals, our priorities and energies change and friendships fall by and by. There is nothing wrong with that – it is just how life is. In…
Day 5 – Gratitude
Today’s question – “ What are you most grateful for?” I am grateful for everything in my life – my family, my home, my job and every day I wake up for all that I have. But what I am most grateful for is the positive energy that the universe has bestowed upon me. I…
Day 4 – Home
Today’s question – What place do you consider your home? For an immigrant in another country, this is one of the hardest question. Over my life, I have lived in many houses and I have memories of every single one of them. Initially my father rented a few houses but it was always his firm…
Day 3 – Dream
Today’s question is “Your biggest dream” My biggest dream is to travel freely. I have always been a bit of a hippie and a free spirit. I am curious and like to explore. So travel has always been my biggest dream. Growing up in a modest home, travel meant visiting extended family. It was only…
Day 2 – Success
Today’s question is “Do you feel successful in life?” This is a question that is close to my heart and I have written a few articles on it. I grew up in India where the idea of what success looked like was defined by the society – study with excellent marks, do a professional course,…