Every year, for the past few years, I have blogged daily for my birthday month. I pick prompts and then just aim to write on that. I love going back and reading my blogs. So this year I have picked some random questions and will aim to write about my perspective and answer those. Today’s…
The different challenges I have done so far – some completed, some not so!
Day 26 – 5 things that make me smile
I am a smiling person by disposition. My husband calls me the sunshine but that does put a lot of pressure in me as the mood in the home is dependent on how much sunshine I can dispense 😀 As I am always smiling, most people start asking questions and assume that something is wrong…
Day 25 – My Perfect Day
I long since stopped chasing perfection. It only adds to stress and anxiety. Instead I chase progress and improvement. So when I am describing my perfect day, it possibly will not go exactly as I am describing but close enough would do 🙂 My day would start by waking up after a full night sleep….
Day 24 – What worries me most?
I am not a worrier. I have never been the one to brood even as a child. I was called happy go lucky when I was young and as I grew older, I took life in my stride with all its disappointments, accolades and ups and downs. My mantra is let life flow and I…
Day 23 – Adding happiness in my daily life
As I gained wisdom, I realised that happiness is not something to chase but what you experience. And we have to make a conscious effort to add it to our lives especially in this world where we are surrounded with things pulling us down rather than lifting us up. I feel happy in small things…
Day 22 – What Animal am I?
I am a lioness – my sun sign is Leo and I fully relate to the animal associated with it. Like lioness I am fearless, passionate and hardworking. The trait that I feel is closest to the animal is loyalty. I am extremely loyal in my relationships and demand the same. That is one thing…
Day 21 – What do I need to let go of?
Ahhh this differs every day and I have to remind myself of it. There are a few things I have let go of and some are work in progress. I need to let go of my ego – I have conquered it for most times. But it does rear its head from time to time…
Day 20 – 3 positive habits to start
I am a someone who likes goals – something to strive for as that helps me focus. This is the reason I set challenges for myself. So this topic is apt for me as I have been thinking about it for a while. We are what we do repeatedly. As Aristotle said “Excellence is not…
Day 19 – My creative expression
Growing up in 80s and 90s India, creative expressions were hobbies, not something to pursue as a career. Especially in middle class families like mine, you had to become a doctor, engineer or do an MBA so that you can be successful. I was never studious and loved the extra curricular activities in school. I…
Day 18 – What feeds your spirit?
I had to think long and hard to answer this one. My spirit is fed by stories about kindness, goodness and love around the world. I have never been attracted to mean behaviour. I have been naughty and a rebel in my younger years but bad behaviour irked me. I get emotional and love reading…