Today’s question – “What will you tell fifteen year old you?”
Ohh there are so many things I would like to tell my fifteen year old self but the biggest would be that life has its own way of unfolding itself, so don’t worry, you will be fine!
I was a gawky, insecure fifteen year old just like most teenagers. I was good in studies and excelled in extra curricular activities like dance, drama, debates and music. I paid way too much attention to things that did not matter.
I wanted to be part of cool clan even though I had a good group of friends. I worried too much about how I looked and let others opinion about me, especially about me being dark, prevail upon me. It took me years for that insecurity to go away – as a fifteen year old I was constantly told that I was not beautiful because I was dark and that stuck. It didn’t help that I was constantly compared to my sister who was fair. My self esteem really got a hit!
My husband made me feel beautiful. When I got married to him, he made sure to say it in words that I was beautiful. For him, I was the only woman that mattered and still does. So I slowly started basking in his love and when I move to Australia, everybody loved the caramel colour of my skin.
So the message to my fifteen year old self is that I am beautiful, I was just in the wrong place.