This one will be a short one as it is not a big story. I have always been fond of writing. In fact, since a very young age I was called a story teller – in a good way! I usually got really good marks in languages as I. Hold write.
But while I was vocal and told stories, I did not put them in writing. It was not through any lacking, just that I never gave it any attention. My friend Nell introduced me to blogging when she started her blog. This was 2006 when blogging was still a vogue.
I loved reading her blog and was just starting out on social media. Then I fell pregnant with Yash and started keeping a pregnancy journal – a physical one. I loved writing every day into it – I felt like I was telling a story to my baby.
When Yash was born, I started doing the same with his baby book. It kept me happy. And once that was done for 6 months, I did not want to stop. I loved writing and wanted to chronicle my life journey. And voila, my blog was born!
I started mine on blogger called @mschamkoblog and then recently took the inspiration from my cousin Kamna to get my own domain. Since then I have tried to keep my creative juices flowing by keeping up with my writing, especially in these COVID times.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I will be finishing this challenge soon and already thinking about the next one. Let’s see what it would turn out to be!