One more day to the weekend…yay! And not long to go for my holiday! Life is good!
Yesterday I had high tea with my favourite girls, Kama, Lauren, Kat, Nell, Maria and our new addition Lisa. It was good to see Kama and Lauren with Joseph and Brodie. Both the boys have grown since I last saw them and it was good and weird in some way to see the girls with kids. Looking around the table, I was reminiscing how we have changed over the last decade. We have all grown older and hopefully wiser. We have had marriages, babies and mortgages amongst us. We have changed as individuals but thankfully the friendship remains the same! I was drinking to another decade of togetherness…..
I chose to wear my black mesh top with neon undershirt and black pants. A recent bug, the black mesh top is from Threadz and I can already see a lot of different wears for this one. Here’s today’s look!