Sexy is an attitude and not a look! This is the thought that crossed my mind this morning and I thought about dedicating my blog to it. I was sitting in the train and I saw a woman who was sexy not because she was beautiful in traditional sense. She was dressed impeccably, she oozed confidence and carried herself with a charm. Now that is what I call sexy!
I have always believed that confidence and self belief are more important than porcelain skin and stick thin bodies. The former never fades and will take you far. Someone once told me that I had charisma. In my gawky teenage self conscious stage, I rubbished it. As I have grown older, that is what has held me and propelled me. So, carry your confidence on your sleeves ladies coz that is what is sexy!
So what did I wear today? One of my favourite dress in my pet colours of red and orange. Check it out….