Today’s blog post is about an emotion and what invoked it? This blog post made me research about emotions because most of the time we confuse our physiological needs with our emotions. Like the first thought that cam still my mind was tired, but that is nit an emotion. That is my physical state even though we use an emotional word for it – I am feeling tired!
My research showed that emotion is complex – even within the scientific world, some say there are 6 core emotions and some say 27. In fact, a combination of these can help us feel 34,000 different emotions!
I will stick to the 6 core – as defined by psychologist Paul Eckman. The emotions he identified were happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger. He later expanded his list of basic emotions to include such things as pride, shame, embarrassment, and excitement.
I am feeling very content – an emotion derived from happiness. Contentment does not come naturally. Coming from the subcontinent, we are taught that contentment in life leads to a lack of ambition. As I have grown older, I have I unlearned that.
Contentment helps us feel elated about what we have achieved. In fact, it is a catalyst for the next thing we want to get to in our life. For me, contentment and gratitude go hand in hand. In these uncertain times, I am very content and grateful for the richness of my life. I have everything everyone that I need and some things I wish for – rest is just stuff!