OMG, I was so tired yesterday that I missed my blog. And it did not help that I woke up at 315 this morning unable to go to sleep. Once in a while I go through this insomnia cycle and my sleep dwindles. Usually it is at the time of change of season. As Sydney’s weather can’t make up its mind whether it is summer or winter, my body can’t either! My sleep decides to throw tantrums at this time.
Work is becoming busier. As we are coming up to the year end, it feels like I am running a marathon trying to reach the finishline in time. With social and work calendar filling up, time is becoming scarce. But there is festivity around and joy in the air. That keeps the spirits up and makes you postive. Christmas is not far away and I can’t wait off the break.
Yesterday I wore a long pink skirt with my black top to create a summery look. The temperature was after all 27 degrees. So the look went well with that.
Today I wore a new pair of white pants with a navy blue top. I have never worn white pants ever before but people at work told me they looked good. You be the judge!