A friend shared this today: The problem with health is, we are not eating food but food like products today. So true! With the advent of instant food and eating it easy, we have started indulging in more and more processed food which is high in sodium and everything else not good for our body.
I am surprised when people tell me that they do not cook everyday. I wonder what they eat? We cook every night and while it does take a lot of effort, what with cooking and then cleaning afterwards, at least this way we know what is going in our mouths. Also, we feel at some level, we are inculcating good habit in our son. If he eats fresh now, he will not be averse to cooking and eating when he grows up.
#healthy for me is eating well, sleeping well and having the energy to do things that matter to me. From time to time, I may slip on one of the above but overall I feel I am #healthy and kicking. So what does #healthy mean to you? Share your thoughts!