So what is up with kids that just when you think that they are settled, you find yourself doing the hard yards again…..Just when I was getting comfortable with the fact that I have a baby who sleeps through the night, he has started waking up every night. Today, he woke up twice, one at 11 pm. I had just gone to sleep, so I patted him back on auto but then at 1:30 in the morning, he started screaming till i was fully awake. I rocked him to sleep but by then i was fully awake….and had to do something. I am unable to fall asleep at the drop of a hat, unlike my 7 month old son. So I continued with my book.
BTW, did i tell you that I am reading Cecilia Ahern’s “Thank for the memories”. I loved the movie “PS I love You” based on the book written by her. This book that I am reading is interesting……the concept is different. I am quite enjoying the book even though i don’t much care for the author’s writing style. And anyways after reading so many authors who write with Ireland as background, I have sort of started becoming familiar with the country as well….
I so miss my parents at the moment…i am trying to convince them to visit me this winter. That way, i get to meet them and they can see yash. It is not probable that I will be visiting India this year unless my silly brother gets marries….I am keeping my fingers crossed.