For the past few days, I have been itching to make Indian sweets. Growing up in a house where for everything new or starting anything new was accompanied with sweet preparation, I can safely say I was surrounded by sweets. My mum is one step ahead – when she was growing up, every evening meal was followed up by a piece of sweet. No wonder, most of her family is diabetic!
I don’t have a sweet tooth, in fact I rarely eat any sweets including Indian sweets but I am married to a man who needs his dosage from time to time. Avi loves them but is careful eating due to his family history of diabetes.
So now that I know, we will be moving in our new house soon, I wanted to try my hand on Indian sweet. As per tradition, the first thing to be cooked on the new cooktop should be something sweet. Most people make kheer( rice pudding) or halwa(I don’t think it has an english name) but I wanted to make gujhiya. These are fried pastry filled with khoya. They are usually made around holi time but I thought why not for our move. The spanner in the works – you can’t get khoya here easily, not even in Indian shops.
Google was my friend again. I researched and found this great blog. Check it out!! It is great. Now just wait for my next blog for the recipe of gujhiya and how our move went. Till then ta da!
– iPad post