Maria came with Jack….it is amazing how fast kids grow. Jack is now this cute and naughty little toddler who loves to talk and roll his eyes…the best part was Maria asking him to stick out his tongue and it was not just a limp tongue sticking…he did it with so much expression at the person it was directed to, it was hilarious!! awwwwwww, I am waiting for Yash to reach that stage….even though he has already developed a personality….he kept arguing with me (literally) when I said NO to him about wires…..the boy cannot talk but yes, he can argue with his tone:-) It was fun….and when I told my friends about it, the response was “Wonder where he gets that from” with as much sarcasm as they can infuse into the statement…well, true…..I am not going to deny that I am seeing my personality traits in him…I am thrilled!!
So yes, the dinner…it was delicious…with a set menu, you don’t realise how much food you end up eating….I was so full by the end of the night that the walk to Town Hall station seemed like a marathon…
I reached home to a very awake Yash who decided that now that mum is home and the lights are on, i should play with her….after half an hr of playing with my bub, we both finally crashed to sleep.