So yesterday evening was very relaxing….i am lucky to have made such good friends in a country where I am only 5 years old. I have always liked small intimate settings and that was it yesterday…no pretences, no show off, just complete honesty and being yourself. I loved it…..
But…there is always a but isn’t there….I feel soooooooooooo guilty on leaving yash and avi behind. There is always that mother’s guilt at the back of my mind that i am not spending enough time with my baby and he is growing so fast. And also i feel guilty of leaving avi alone with him coz he does take care of yash the entire day along….guilt, guilt, guilt….how can i overcome it is life’s big question? It is so hard to raise a child without any family and i used to think it was difficult till yash came along….your perception so changes when you have a baby….no one can prepare you…..