I am a voracious reader – I love books and they have been my constant companion from a young age. Over the years I have read a lot of books but there are some that remain firm favourite. And then there are some books I read over and over again and never get bored. I…
Day 15 – Move somewhere
I missed my blog post yesterday! So you will get two posts today! If I were to move somewhere, where would that be? I already moved 16 years ago and made Australia home! It was a brave decision at the time, one which I have never regretted but I am not sure I would have…
Day 14 – My day bulleted!
My blog today is about my day – in bullet points! I woke up and had my tea along with one biscuit, a morning ritual. Avi and I planned the day ahead – any shopping to be done, what’s for lunch, any important tasks to be completed. Then I cooked breakfast for both him and…
Day 13 – If I had any job……
I have been working since a young age. I loved being independent. I was in year 9 when I starting taking tuitions for younger kids. The moolah I earned funded my latest fashion. I qualified as a teacher and even taught for a while. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be…
Day 12 – Satisfying moments in life
They say the best things in life are free and the current pandemic has taught us that even more. Life is full of small pleasures and if we look around, there are tiny things that probably give us the most joy. Here is my list of life’s small pleasures: The smell of freshly mowed grass…
Day 11 – My zodiac and how I relate
Can you guess what my zodiac sign is? Most people can after meeting me the first few times. I am a Leo, the Fire sign! As per the description on Astrology, Leos are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in…
Day 10 – Comfort Food
The definition of comfort food is any food that provides consolation or feeling of well being. Ask any person from the sub continent and majority will name some sort of curry with rice as their comfort food. Mine is Arhar dal(pigeon peas) and steamed rice! It was one of the staple meals in our house,…
Day 9 – My views on Religion
Now I know this is a controversial topic but I want to start with a disclaimer that these are my personal views. If you are a devoutly religious person who gets offended very easily, please stop now and don’t read this blog post. I was born and raised as a Hindu. It is the oldest…
Day 8 – Top five pet peeves
Everyone has something that annoys them. Below are my top five pet peeves. Hypocrisy I hate hypocrites! I don’t like people who say different things and change their behaviour based on who they are talking to. I am a straight shooter and everyone in my life knows where they stand with me. I believe in…
Day 7 – Ten years from now……
We all envision the future. In fact, anyone who says they don’t are either lying or are a monk. I like to say that I set goals for my future – they are things that I would like to achieve. These goals then help me lay a sort of blue print for next few years….