When I looked at the topic of my current blog, for a moment I stopped in my tracks. I know the traditional meaning of the title is marital status but the thoughts that went through my mind were around the word relationship. Why does current relationship status only talk about marriage? Surely I have other…
Day 5 – Emotion and invocation
Today’s blog post is about an emotion and what invoked it? This blog post made me research about emotions because most of the time we confuse our physiological needs with our emotions. Like the first thought that cam still my mind was tired, but that is nit an emotion. That is my physical state even…
Day 4 – Life Lessons from my jobs!
I have been a working woman all my life! Apart from a few breaks here and there, I have had a job. Each of my job experience has been enriching and has taught me lessons for life. So for today I decided to chronicle my learnings from my jobs! Try everything that comes your way…
Day 3 – Advice – Good & Bad
Over the course of our life, we all receive advice – some solicited and some unsolicited. If you are from the sub-continent, advice is dispensed freely. Everyone seems to have an opinion about everything and they turn it into life mantras for others – whether they apply it to their life is a whole other…
Day 2 – A Friend(ly) story
Today I will bring you a slice from a friend’s life. We haven’t met much but feel a connection and wanted to know more about her. She is one of the kindest people i have come across. Introducing Priya Lohan! Tell me key memories of your school time. Whenever I recall my school years, my…
Day 1 – Opinion on Marriage
My first day of blogging had to be an opinion piece coz I am very opinionated. And I love expressing them too! So I decided to start my blogging journey with one on marriage. Some say it is a dying institution, some say it is boring and some say it is outdated but having been…
Friendship – A bond of love
It is friendship month. So what better topic to write on than friends and friendship. I have been blessed with some amazing friendships in my life. My first memory of a friend is as a 2.5 years old and this slightly older girl in our neighbourhood would come to our place to play with me….
Day 27 – Road Trip
We did not have a car when I was growing up. So there were no road trips. Most of our leisure trips were in the train which was an adventure in itself, something I will write about separately in a post. The road trips were limited to bus journeys which I hated coz they were…
Day 26 – Stay Connected
Loneliness and Isolation are the two biggest diseases in the world. Human beingS strive for connection. When the pandemic took over, there were reports that the local charities Beyond Blue and Lifeline were inundated with calls from people feeling depressed or anxious due to loneliness. I was searching for connections and came across this fabulous…
Day 25 – Super quality
Today I asked to share the one thing that you are super good at! I believe I am good at bringing people together. I genuinely like when people are together and friendships are formed. It gives me immense happiness. Even in my working life, that is one thing I enjoy the most – creating collaborative…