After a year of waiting, Kama and Tony got married on 4th August 2012 in a splendid ceremony. It was a day that had been etched in our calendars and will be in our minds for a long time. It was all the more beautiful because I have seen their relationship and their love for…
Long weekend
After ages came a 3 day weekend. Holidays are rare in this country, so I wanted to make the most of it. But nature had other plans. To be fair, Saturday was sunny…we decided to visit our house that day. Now that it is nearing completion, the wait is becoming excruciating. Here is the picture…
Sunday is called God’s own day. For us mere mortals, Sunday is the day to relax, spend time with family and cook good food. Cooking for me is therapeutic; not the daily meals kind but cooking feast for my family and friend. Sunday is usually the day when I cook what my darling husband demands…
Memory lane!
A good friend made me go down memory lane today – back to the time when life was simple. I was my daddy’s little gal with no worry in the entire world. There was no pressure of responsibilities, of waking up early mornings, of rushing to work or mortgages and rents:-) The biggest worry that…
Reading and more reading!
While I have been away not blogging, I have spent all my spare time( little in my life, just in case u wonder) on reading books. I love the Kindle App on my iPad. Book reading is so easy – they are downloaded in a few seconds. While I still love the feeling of an…
I haven’t blogged in ages…I think with the life becoming busier with my house and my family, the blog took a back seat. But I missed blogging. Missed writing and then reading my own thoughts after a period of time. So I am back! Just wait and watch for my next post 🙂 – Posted…
Remembering Papa!!
It all happened so suddenly….one day we were talking to him and the next moment he was gone and the world had lost a good guy. It is times like these that you wonder why is it that the good people are taken away by god but the wretched and the wrongdoers remain in this…
And it all ends here
We, Harry Potter fans, had been waiting for the last part of the movie for ages now. So 13th July was an important date in our calendar. My friend Nell and DT gave me a very tempting offer – they were watching the prt 1 and part 2 in a special by even cinema… Part…
Books so far!!!
As I mentioned in my last post, I have been ordering and reading a few books in the past few weeks….not that I don’t read other times, but I did order a couple recently and have already finished 2 of them and am on to my third…. The first one I read was “The Sandalwood…
Indian authors
Coming from an Indian background, I am always looking fwd to good books by Indian authors. As I mentioned in my last post, “Family Matters” by Rohinton Mistry was great. Now that I have a bit more time with Yash engaging himself here and there, I have started researching and ordering books by Indian authors…